As parents, we are often in situations where we are waiting somewhere with our kids or having to figure out a way to help our kids pass the time.
While we certainly have more options for entertainment now than we ever have before, there are still times where it is just us and our kids.
Instead of feeling exasperated by not having a toy or electronics with you, you may want to take this opportunity to spend some quality time with your kids.
I have found that asking questions is the best way to start any kind of conversation with most people.
It makes kids feel heard and special when you take that time to let them tell you about themselves.
You can start with these entertaining would you rather questions that give them a choice between two options in different situations.
For some more open-ended questions that take more than one-word answers, try out these kid questions.
They will definitely lead to some interesting conversations and possibly more questions!
When you are traveling, this guide will help you find the perfect road trip activity to help keep your kids entertained and happy!
During your road trip breaks to eat, you can use the following would you rather food questions to help pass the time.
Ideas For Using These Questions
I have found that the best way to use would you rather questions is to take turns and have everyone explain their answer.
Another way to use these questions is to have one person answer a group of questions and then have another person answer the same questions afterward.
That way, no one influences the other person’s answer.
On a learning note, this activity helps your kids develop their reasoning and decision-making skills while having fun!
The more wacky the questions are, the better!
Would You Rather Food Questions

1. Would you rather eat peanut butter or birthday cake for the rest of your life?
2. Would you rather put hot sauce or ice cream on everything you ate?
3. Would you rather eat spicy foods in the Sahara Desert or in the arctic?
4. Would you rather eat a meal with your best friend or with your favorite movie star?
5. Would you rather lose your sense of taste or your sense of smell?
6. Would you rather own a food lab or a perfume lab?
7. Would you rather have your own boat filled with spaghetti or your favorite cereal?
8. Would you rather eat something sweet or something salty?
9. Would you rather eat as much food as a typical teenager or as much food as a baby?
10. Would you rather eat a normal amount of food, but had to eat every hour or eat a lot of food and only have to eat once a week?
11. Would you rather eat a little bit of chocolate or never have chocolate at all?
12. Would you rather eat too much or not enough?
13. Would you rather eat food that is too hot or food that is too cold?
14. Would you rather eat cheeseburgers or pizza for the rest of your life?
15. Would you rather eat breakfast for dinner or dinner for breakfast?
16. Would you rather give up sugar or salt for the rest of your life?
17. Would you rather have to eat everything with a fork or eat everything with your hands?
18. Would you rather eat pancakes or waffles?
19. Would you rather eat French fries or chips?
20. Would you rather give up cheese or chocolate for the rest of your life?
Gross Food Would You Rather Questions

1. Would you rather eat a banana peel or wet socks?
2. Would you rather eat an orange peel or a spoonful of mayonnaise?
3. Would you rather eat a teaspoon of salt or a teaspoon of black pepper?
4. Would you rather eat everything covered in maple syrup or barbecue sauce?
5. Would you rather eat cat food or dog food for your whole life?
6. Would you rather eat month old junk food or a moldy apple?
7. Would you rather eat food that fell in mud or into a lake?
8. Would you rather eat overcooked or undercooked food?
9. Would you rather eat insects or tree bark?
10. Would you rather eat a slimy food that tastes amazing or eat a dry food that tastes horrible?
11.Would you rather eat oranges dipped in ketchup or mustard?
12. Would you rather eat a cayenne pepper flavored lollipop or a pickle flavored lollipop?
13. Would you rather eat an entire onion or an entire lemon?
14. Would you rather eat broccoli ice cream or a lettuce milkshake?
15. Would you rather get a blueberry stuck in your nose or a piece of popcorn stuck in your teeth?
16. Would you rather eat something that is not ripe or something that is moldy?
17. Would you rather eat cooked snails or gilled grasshoppers?
18. Would you rather eat food that has a hair or a fingernail in it?
19. Would you rather eat something with a ton of salt or a ton of sugar?
20. Would you rather drink milk that has gone bad or milk that someone sneezed into?
For some more silly questions that are sure to make you squirm, check out these gross would you rather questions!
In the end, the whole point of these would you rather questions is to have fun and use the time you have together to laugh and learn more about each other.
As the years go by, the answers may change, and the explanations become more intricate as your kids mature.
The priority here is to use times that might otherwise be stressful (standing in line at the store for example!) and turn them into solid bonding times with your kids.
You will find that this time that usually feels like it drags on forever actually goes by more quickly because you are engaging with your kids in a positive way!
So make good use of these moments in between and find out what your kids are all about.
And as always, you’ve got this!
255 Super Funny Would You Rather Questions For Kids
Thursday 7th of March 2024
[…] Check out even more would you rather food questions. […]
150 Super Gross Would You Rather Questions For Kids
Thursday 7th of March 2024
[…] We have more gross food would you rather questions!57. Would you rather eat a moldy melon or garbage soup?58. Would you rather smell like a skunk or […]