If you’re a kid, it’s important to be trendy. Right?
I mean, really, no. We moms know that it really ISN’T important, but when you’re young and surrounded by your peers, you THINK it is.
Then you get old and you have kids and all of your energy is poured into your kids and you literally just don’t have the time or energy to worry about being trendy.
But for kids, trendiness is everything.
When I turned six years old, I had some friends over to my house for a birthday party. It was going GREAT.
Then it was time to open presents, and everything was going great until I opened up my friend Mindy’s gift. Her gift was a New Kids on the Block puzzle.
Awesome, right?
The only problem was that I was six, and I had NO IDEA who New Kids on the Block was. I know, you’re probably feeling sorry for me. That poor deprived child, she didn’t even know who NKOTB was. Tsk, tsk.
So what did I do? I put on a big smile, I squealed and I PRETENDED that I was the biggest NKOTB fan in the world.
Because being trendy was important. Imagine what might have happened if I was honest. My friends probably would have shunned me for the rest of my elementary school life.
Now, I’m a parent, and while I’m older and wiser and know that being “trendy” isn’t important, I know that it is to them.
That’s why when MY six year old came home and proclaimed that she was the only one in her class that didn’t own one of these ridiculous hats with attached mittens (I’m apparently the only one who THINKS they look ridiculous because hello, they are all the rage), we promptly ran to the store to buy one. At Claire’s. For 25 DOLLARS. You can find them much cheaper on Amazon.
I ran out and bought it for her not because my child is spoiled, but because that moment of not knowing the trendiest musical group of 1989 is still etched PAINFULLY in my memory.
So go ahead. Use one of these trendy free printable valentine cards for kids this year. In about 20 years, your kids will thank you.
Kid’s Valentine Crafts
Pop It Valentines

I’m not sure if you know this, but Pop Its are THE THING in elementary school. Everybody has them, and wants more!
These Free Printable Pop It Valentines will definitely be the talk of the school, and everyone will want one.
Emoji Valentines
Who can resist the emoji? It simply makes everything better. These printable emoji valentine cards come with two different options. Simply attach some adorable plush emoji keychains and your child’s entire classroom will be on trend. Valentine cards can also be given alone.
Squishy Valentines
Don’t know what a squishy is? I bet your kids do! (Even my middle school students are all about the squishies.) They are like stress balls, but WAY cuter. This Valentine’s Day, you can give the gift of less stress to kids everywhere. The recipients will only know how awesome and adorable this squishy valentines card is.
Animal Valentine Cards
If I asked you to list the trendiest animals, sloths, unicorns and narwhals would probably be on your list. These animal valentine cards are so darn adorable and yet so simple and versatile. The animals can “hug” a pencil, piece of candy or little toy of your choice.
Star Wars Valentines Cards
Star Wars is eternally trendy, right? I must admit this mama is not a Star Wars fan, but I am a fan of these adorable Star Wars printable valentines!
Pokemon Valentine Cards Printable
If you’ve got a boy in your house, chances are he would love to hand out these Pokemon Valentines to his classmates.
Unicorn Printable Valentine Cards
Okay. Unicorns have been trendy since I was a kid. These unicorn valentines would have been my dream and I bet they would be any little girl’s dream today too.
Eye Think You’re Great Printable Valentine Cards For Kids
Cute and silly kid’s glasses are always on trend, and I love these valentines because they are much more gender neutral than some of the choices here.
Shark Valentine’s Day Cards
With the CRAZY RIDICULOUS ICANTEVENBELIEVEMYSTUDENTSARESTILLSINGINGTHIS popularity of Baby Shark, sharks are more IN than ever before! These shark valentine cards are adorable (in a scary shark kind-of way).
Slime Valentine Printable
Of course, I couldn’t have a trendy valentine post and NOT include slime valentines. I mean seriously, slime is likely the #1 kid trend of the moment. The children in your child’s class will eternally LOVE you for this one. The parents? Maybe not so much.
PS- If you’re a girl mom, be sure to print out my printable Valentine lunch box notes for your little lady!
Free Printable Stress Ball Valentines
Thursday 25th of January 2024
[…] are so many cute printable Valentine cards, each one is so much fun and as a kid I can see how hard it would be to decide. If your child is […]
Free Printable Tic Tac Toe Valentines For Kids
Tuesday 18th of April 2023
[…] also love it because it’s not just printable Valentine cards, it’s an activity, […]
Printable Emoji Valentine Cards that will Give Kids All the Feels
Sunday 9th of April 2023
[…] fit the bill! So do these other trendy printable valentine cards for kids including narwhals, unicorns, Star Wars, squishies, sharks, slime and […]
VSCO Girl Valentine Printable- Save The Turtles
Sunday 9th of April 2023
[…] You can check out my crazy popular Squishy Valentines, my Emoji Valentines or my entire post on trendy Valentines. […]
Trendy, Free Pop It Valentine Printable For Kids |
Thursday 23rd of June 2022
[…] can also check out my post on Trendy Valentines For Kids, too, if you aren’t yet sold on the pop […]