Losing a tooth as a kid is a big deal! It marks a major milestone of growing up and with each tooth that falls out, a tooth fairy visit is in order.
The idea of the tooth fairy coming is such a special event and one that I still remember even as a grown up. It is a core memory for me for sure and I still remember the excitement I felt knowing a little fairy was going to come and take my tooth.
I even remember being so desperate for fairy visits that the moment I had a loose tooth, I was doing everything possible to get it out as FAST as I could! I loved all the kid magic of Santa and the Easter Bunny, but fairy visits were even more special because not every kid in the whole word was getting a visit when my tooth came out, just me.
My memories of the tooth fairy have made it so I really want to put a personal touch on my son’s fairy visits and create a magical experience for each visit.
This editable tooth fairy letter template is just that! It’s such a great way to make his fairy visits personalized with his own name and fun little pieces of information that are special to him.
Plus it will be special for not only kindergarten students but also those bigger kids who still love the idea of magic. It’s an easy template to edit and there are four different versions with different colors.
This adorable tooth fairy note will be perfect for my son and I know your kiddo will love this letter too!
Free Editable Tooth Fairy Letter Printable

This editable tooth fairy letter template has a little message already prepped for you! If you are using this for the first time or looking for minimal prep, this adorable letter is ready to go and available in four different versions. All you have to do is add your child’s name to the letter and print and you are ready to tuck this tooth fairy note under your child’s pillow! Here is what the free templates say:
Dear ____,
You lost a tooth! It’s a special day! Let me compliment you, if I may.
This tooth is beautiful, so shiny and clean, it’s one of the cleanest teeth I’ve ever seen!
Please keep it up and don’t ever forget, your adult teeth are the only ones you get!
Keep wiggling those teeth and I’ll be back, for another perfect tooth to add to my sack.
-The Tooth Fairy
Wish your kid sweet dreams and you are ready to go!
What To Do With Your Tooth Fairy Letter

What to do with your tooth fairy note is always the big question. Do you leave it under the pillow with the money? Do you have it sitting by their bed? Just thinking of sneaking a piece of paper under my son’s pillow gives me all the nervous feelings! Here are some ideas to help you get started with your tooth fairy note mission:
-Print the tooth fairy note in a smaller size (I’m thinking like a 4 x 6 or 2 x 3 size). A little fairy is bringing this note for a little tooth so it makes sense to have this note small. Plus, I think it will be a special surprise for your kiddo because they won’t be expecting such a small adorable tooth fairy note! Also, I am super nervous when it comes to hardcore parenting missions like grabbing a little tooth from under a pillow and swiping it out with money that having this note be little makes it seem a easier.
-Create a special spot for letters from and to the Tooth Fairy! This could be a fun tradition to start where your kiddo could write the tooth fairy a letter the day/night they lose their tooth and leave the letter on their nightstand or another special place in your child’s room and then when they wake up they will have a reply note from the tooth fairy. This one would take a little more prep because you would have to edit the tooth fairy note the night of, but I think it would be such a magical experience for your kiddo that it would be worth it!
-Use this free tooth fairy letter for your child’s first tooth! Losing a first tooth is such a big deal and as a kid, you have no idea what really to expect from the tooth fairy at this point other than what you might have heard. It would be such a fun way to kick off the first visit from their own little fairy by receiving a personalized letter with their own name and a sweet message congratulating them on their first tooth! This could also be a fun time to start any other new traditions like the idea above.
-Leave a little envelope of things from the tooth fairy like a lost tooth receipt, money (or whatever you leave in your family) and this free tooth fairy letter.
-Make this letter sparkle- literally! Paint the letter in glitter glue or use hodgepodge and glitter for a special surprise!
-Use this letter as a keepsake. Losing their baby teeth is such a sweet time in your child’s life and really feels like a big moment in the world of being a kid. Keeping a letter like this in their keepsake journal is a great way for them to have little mementos later.
Ideas For Editing

When those baby teeth starting coming out, having ideas ready and on hand is so important! This editable tooth fairy letter template is such a fun way to make your kiddo’s fairy visit special and the best part is that it’s 100% editable! I love that I can put my child’s name on it and that I can even edit the letter to add special details that are about him and his little tooth.
My plan is to have this free tooth fairy letter on hand so that I can quickly edit it each time a tooth falls out. Here are some ways you could edit this letter to make it even more special for your kiddo:
-Customize not only with your child’s name, but little facts about them like what number tooth this is or how they lost their tooth. These little touches make this experience even more magical for them and really brings the tooth fairy alive!
-Compliment them on their care of their teeth and how impressed you are with their brushing! You could also be more spicy and use this as a place to give reminders to brush! Kids seem to listen to fairies better than their parents so it’s worth a try.
-Make a big deal out of a first tooth being lost for younger children. This is a huge event and a very special day! This is their first interaction with the tooth fairy so making it special is important! Include details like your child’s age so that this can be used as a way to remember their first lost tooth. Plus, if your kiddo is like mine, they might have been nervous to lose their first tooth and this is a great time to praise them for being so brave with something new!
-Embrace your child’s imagination! Add details about the tooth fairy world and the lore behind it. If your child is asking you questions, this is a fun way to give them answers. Maybe your letter describes where the teeth go or what the tooth fairy does with them. Maybe you include details about the castles the fairies live in or how many teeth they gather each night. Push into your child’s imagination and give your them something fun to read! This is a great introduction to the tooth fairy for younger children. My son had a million questions when he first heard of the tooth fairy and answering them in the moment can be hard!
-Create a fairy name for your child’s tooth fairy. This makes it more personal and fun! My son loves the idea that his very own fairy (with it’s own name) comes each time to visit him. It makes each fairy visit a special event. Make sure to sign your letter off with this name each time and use this name when you talk about the Tooth Fairy coming.
Have fun with editing! This is your chance to put your own spin on the letter and make it your own.
Your Free Printable
When it comes to free printable tooth fairy letters, this one takes the cake (or the tooth!). I love that it comes in 4 different versions and that it will add such a special touch to your child’s fairy visit no matter if it’s their first tooth or tenth tooth!
To get this free tooth fairy letter, you just need to subscribe below and your editable instant download will be available! The best part of subscribing is that you will get a weekly email with different resource types like activities, printable crafts, new printables, or parenting articles with fun ideas and tips.
It’s the best way to have ideas come straight to you with no extra work (I’m a low prep kind of mom so this is my style!)
If your kiddo is in the teeth losing phase of their life and you are looking for more free templates like this one, check out our tooth fairy letter, tooth fairy certificate or Tooth Fairy receipt from the Tooth Fairy. We would love to hear how you use the free printable letters. Please let us know any fun ideas in the comment box below!