When you find out that you’re pregnant, the initial excitement and period of disbelief might quickly be replaced by an uncertain feeling of how you’re going to afford a new baby. Babies need lots of things, right? Thankfully, there are many pregnancy freebies and baby freebies out there that are going to help you to enjoy your pregnancy and raise your baby without going into debt.
Read: How To Save Up To 2,000 Dollars During Baby’s First Year
However, when I started researching and trying to find freebies, I found a lot of websites with free stuff that wasn’t really free. For example, get this free baby carrier or free nursing pillow (just pay a 16 dollar shipping fee!).
This post contains affiliate links.
I don’t know about you, but if I have to pay 15.99 in shipping, then I am NOT getting that baby carrier for free and I would rather buy one that I know has a good reputation. Like these baby wraps.
P.S. I want free products with free shipping.
So I decided to write a post that contained resources, products and items that are ACTUALLY free, with no additional cost. 100%. No strings attached.
Pregnancy Freebies

1. Pregnancy Milestone Cards
Whether or not your baby bump is showing yet or not, I’m sure you want to take a lot of photos of your bump.
Read: When Will I Start Showing?
I love these printable milestone cards because you can show in your photo just how far along you are. Simply include the card in your photo!

2. Pregnancy Trimester Journal
You know all those amazing feelings that your experiencing right now? As well as all of the crazy pregnancy symptoms and everything else.
If you are wondering how to document pregnancy, this free printable Pregnancy Trimester Journal will help!
It allows you to quickly and easily write down your symptoms, cravings, aversions, accomplishments and thoughts.

3. Free Prenatal Care Workshop
This workshop is an on-demand class that will teach you exactly what to expect from your prenatal care from now until you give birth.
Just click on “freebies”, then on “prenatal care workshop”.
It will help you make the most of all of your doctor appointments!
4. Free Birth Preparation Workshop
Feeling clueless when it comes to the birth process? This on-demand class will teach you everything you need in order to feel confident when you go into labor.
5. Pregnancy Week By Week Email Series
This is an amazing email series (click on “freebies”) that will take you from wherever you are in your pregnancy to birth. This email series will provide you with weekly info based on your due date, a weekly tip on how to prepare for baby’s arrival, and other info to make it through pregnancy confidently.
6. Trimester Prep Packs
These fun and helpful printables are my favorite free goodies!
- First Trimester Prep Pack (found under the freebies tab at the link!)
- First trimester checklist
- How to prepare for appointments printable
- Weekly pregnancy journal
- Second Trimester Prep Pack (found under the freebies tab at the link!)
- Second trimester checklist
- Baby registry checklist
- Old wives tales checklist (this one is SO much fun!)
- Third Trimester Prep Pack (found under the freebies tab at the link!)
- Third trimester checklist
- Birth plan printable
- Hospital bag checklist
7. Birth Prep Packs
Get prepared for childbirth with these extremely helpful free items, created by a labor and delivery nurse. I LOVE these.
- Natural Birth Prep Pack (found under the freebies tab at the link!)
- hospital bag checklist
- birth plan printable
- birth affirmation cards
- third trimester to-do list
- Epidural Birth Prep Pack (found under the freebies tab at the link!)
- hospital bag checklist
- birth plan printable
- epidural basics guide
- third trimester to-do list
- C-Section Birth Prep Pack (found under the freebies tab at the link!)
- c-section hospital bag checklist
- c-section birth plan printable
- third trimester to-do list
8. Hey Milestone Sample Boxes
The company Hey Milestone (formerly known as Noobie Box) has 3 different kids of sample boxes full of exclusively curated items:
- pregnancy sample box
- newborn sample box
- family nutrition sample box
9. Free Beginning Prenatal Class
Thinking about the actual laboring process can definitely be anxiety attack level stuff.
Hilary, a labor and delivery nurse, offers this free course to teach nervous expectant mothers how to be excited for your upcoming delivery, not stressed out.
The course covers 3rd trimester testing that you might need, common labor fears and tips for baby’s arrival.
I also love that you don’t have to leave your home (or your leggings!) for this class.
10. Free Birth Plan Printable
Developed by a labor and delivery nurse, this free birth plan template comes with everything you need to create a solid birth plan. You will also get a hospital bag checklist and third trimester checklist!
11. Hospital Freebies
After giving birth, you’re going to need a lot of items to help you manage the pain and be comfortable.
Take whatever free samples the nurses will give you, and ask for extras. Your medical insurance is paying anyway!
With my first child I felt bad asking. With my second, I was sneaking everything possible.
Here are some of the items you might expect to receive from the hospital (although each one is different): diapers, onesies, blankets, mesh underwear, pads, numbing spray for you, a bottle to wash up after you use the bathroom, breast cooling pads, nipple cream, formula samples, nipple cream, pacifiers and bulb nose sucker.
While it might sound at this time like you don’t WANT some of these items (mesh underwear? Numbing vaginal spray?!), believe me when I say you will be coveting these items very, very soon.
Related: Get Your Third Trimester Checklist
12. Free Prenatal Vitamins
Taking Prenatal vitamins during your entire pregnancy is vital to your unborn baby’s health. If you have a Meijer Pharmacy near you, they have a program that gives free Prenatals.
13. Free Pregnancy Announcement Printable
If you’re looking for a really fun way to announce your pregnancy to your best friend, significant other or parent, this announcement printable is it!
It says “if I’m getting fat, so are you!”. Simply attach it to the recipients favorite high calorie treat!
14. Target Baby Registry Freebies
If you start a free Target baby registry, you will receive a baby registry gift box filled with free baby samples and high value coupons. It’s a great deal!
Normally I’m not really into samples, but with a baby, samples are great because certain things might not work for your baby.
15. Amazon Baby Registry Freebies
Amazon’s baby welcome box offers up a really great free baby box for new parents.
However, you do need to be an active Prime member in order to receive one.
Click over to request your Amazon Baby Welcome Box.
16. Free Pregnancy Apps
There is an app for everything, including pregnancy. This list of the 9 best free pregnancy apps for pregnant women covers everything from food no-nos, weekly trackers, baby names and counters for baby kicks and contractions.
Free Baby Stuff

17. Get an official welcome to the world letter from some very special people
Did you know that you can send a birth announcement to the President, Mickey Mouse or even the Pope and in turn receive an official letter back?
Find out what you need to do to receive your special response.
18. Best Buy Baby Samplers Club
If you live in Canada, you can sign up here for the chance to get free baby products to keep. All. you have to do it give a review. A random selection of club members will be chosen to review each new product.
19. Free Huggies Diapers
Getting free diapers is so helpful because finding the right brand that will fit your baby properly can be tricky.
Sign up for the Huggies Club in order to get your free diaper samples.
20. Complete Newborn Sleep Guide
Managing a newborns sleep can be difficult, especially if you are a first time mom. I know I personally spent way too much time trying to learn everything about baby sleep. An all inclusive FREE guide like this would have been amazing.
This guide teaches you how to make sure your baby is sleeping safely, the do’s and don’ts of newborn sleep and how to solve common sleep issues.
21. Imagination Library
The Imagination Library is an amazing book gifting program founded by Dolly Parton. Dolly was inspired to start the program by her father who never learned to read or write. The program now sends out over one million free books each month. Pretty incredible, right?
It’s completely free for any family, as long as you live in a participating city. Click to check if the Imagination Library is available in your area. Free books are the BEST free gifts.
22. Free diapers to those in need
If you are wondering how you are going to afford this baby and are on a very tight budget, you can reach out to your local United Way. Simply dial 2-1-1 anywhere in North America. If they cannot help you, they will direct you to someone who can.
23. Free Belly Bands
You can get a free belly band from Belly Bandit through your insurance. They outline the process in a simple way for you to get your free belly band!
Breastfeeding Freebies

24. Free On Demand Breastfeeding Course
If you plan on breastfeeding for the first time, then I’ve gotta say, this course is a MUST.
Think about it.
We prepare our homes for baby, we prepare ourselves for birth, and preparing to breastfeed can be easily overlooked.
Breastfeeding is natural, right?
Well yes, but it doesn’t always come naturally.
Read: Does Breastfeeding Get Easier?
Even with my second child, I felt like a complete breastfeeding newbie because she had latch issues that my first didn’t have.
This course will teach you:
what to expect in the early days
where to find a super support team
how to prepare during pregnancy
where to reach out for help
how to make plenty of milk for your baby
25. Printable Breastfeeding Tracker
This breastfeeding tracker takes the guesswork out of breastfeeding. You will no longer have to wonder “when did he nurse last?!” or “what side did I last nurse on?!”.
Oh, and it’s CUTE. And who doesn’t love cute things?
26. Chat With Lactation Specialists and Cornell Certified Nutritionists
Happy Family Organics offers a free chat for new and expecting moms. A specialist will answer all of your questions about breastfeeding, supplementing or formula feeding.
27. Free Breast Pump
Having the right breast pump is essential to avoid a sudden drop in milk supply if you’re a working mom. Luckily, you can likely get one for free through your health insurance. Find the best breast pump for everyday use, occasional use, or anything in between.
Have a happy pregnancy!
When Will You Start Showing? Statistics Included!
Tuesday 18th of April 2023
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Misty B
Sunday 7th of June 2020
I always see Amazon and everyday family on these lists, even though everyday family isn't on yours. I've never been able to get any thing free from either one. This will be my third pregnancy. Walmart does have an awesome freebie box though!!
Third Trimester Checklist- The Only One You'll Need
Sunday 17th of February 2019
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