Ready to make the big announcement that you’re going to be new parents or that you’re adding to your family?
If you’ve been on social media recently at all, you’ve probably realized that the pregnancy announcement is kind of a big deal.
You probably want to find some memorable baby announcement quotes to go with your announcement photo.
Tip: Use these quotes along with my other ideas for announcing your pregnancy on a social media post.
But competition to announce your pregnancy better than all of your friends aside, this is one of the biggest announcements you’re ever going to make!
Ya gotta make it good.
And I know you need some inspiration for this super special announcement.
A creative way to announce that’s going to impress your family members and friends.
You need a way to express that this is the BEST GIFT you’ve ever been given.
And I know that sometimes it’s difficult to come up with the right words to share happy news, which is why I was motivated to write this post.
This list of pregnancy announcement quotes and sayings has something for every style and situation.
Whether you’re looking for a cute or funny pregnancy announcement quote in order to announce the big news, an announcement riddle or poem, announcing a first time pregnancy or if you’re announcing that yes, you are having yet ANOTHER kid.
I’m sure you’ll find the perfect pregnancy announcement wording here!
You can also document your pregnancy announcement, your weekly baby bump and everything to do with your pregnancy with my Pregnancy Journal printable.
It’s a beautiful, modern journal that you can keep to preserve this special time in your life.
Or you can get my simpler trimester journal.

Believe me, it goes WAY too fast, and you want to remember all of the feelings and emotions that you’re experiencing right now.
Okay let’s get to the pregnancy announcement quotes, because you want to announce the good news before you start showing and your baby bump does the announcing for you.
Read: When WILL My Pregnancy Start To Show?
Time to start thinking about baby names! Check out these country girl names!
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Pregnancy Announcement Quotes And Sayings

Cute Quotes To Announce Pregnancy
These are super sweet and short pregnancy announcement quotes.
Any of these quotes would be the perfect, fun way to announce your pregnancy on social media.
1. The best is yet to come… (your due date)
2. And then there were three… (your due date)
3. Our family will be growing by two feet!
4. A grand adventure is about to begin… in (birth month and year) –Inspired by Winnie the Pooh
5. And soon the world shall know… (with an ultrasound picture).
6. In [month}, our family will hear the pitter-patter of little feet.
7. Every superhero needs a sidekick. (for families with sons).
8. We’re adding a new little pumpkin to our patch in (birth month and year). (great for a fall pregnancy announcement!)
9. We’re resting up while we can. We’ll be missing a lot of sleep starting in (due date month).
10. The butterflies he used to give me turned into tiny feet.
11. Life will always find a way- quote from Jurassic Park (this is a great rainbow baby announcement)
12. After every storm there is a rainbow.
Expecting our rainbow baby (birth month and year).
13. All because two people fell in love.
14. Have you heard the buzz?
Our little honey will be arriving (birth month and year)
15. Precautions were taken, no plans were made, but life is full of surprises, and life found a way….
Funny Pregnancy Announcement Captions

Looking for an announcement idea with a bit of humor?
These inspiring ideas will be the perfect way to announce your new addition.
16. (Insert husbands name) is going to be a daddy and I’m pretty sure it’s mine.
17. Oops, I did it again.
18. I like big bumps and I cannot lie (perfect for a pregnancy announcement to husband)
19. Dinner for two…$80, Weekend getaway…$550.
Telling everyone you’re pregnant and then heading out of town so your phone doesn’t ring…PRICELESS!
20. Guess what’s cooking in our oven? (Hint: it’s not cookies).
21. Ingredients:
1 egg, mature.
100 million sperm.
Lots of love.
22. Instructions:
Preheat oven.
Mix ingredients romantically.
Cook bun for forty weeks.
Sprinkle with love and serve to the world.
I’M PREGNANT!!!!!!!!!!!!
23. Looking forward to a new tax deduction in (year)!
24. Love makes the belly go round.
24. I cough, therefore I pee.
25. Looks like Netflix and Chill went a little bit too far.
26. We’ve been naughty!
27. Shit just got real.
28. We don’t make mistakes, just happy little accidents.
29. We’ve decided that we no longer want to sleep, have time to ourselves or have a clean house.
30. Our secret is in the sauce (with a picture of a jar of Prego spaghetti sauce).
31. “Mom and Dad are getting us a human!” (with a picture of your fur baby for a first child announcement).
32. This is one doodle that can’t be undid, homeskillet!- a quote from the movie Juno
33. We’re going to need a bigger boat” – a quote from Jaws
34. Say hello to my little friend” – quote from Scarface
35. Best oops ever (with a picture of baby things).
36. It was all fun and games until I got pregnant.
37. Pretty soon, we’ll need a minivan…
38. We’re adding another to our clan!
39. The battle for mommy’s attention begins (birth month and year). (Perfect for a big siblings photo!)
Check out these milestone cards for pregnancy that you can include in your baby bump photos to keep track of where you’re at in your pregnancy!
Funny Pregnancy Announcement Riddles

If you’re looking for a more creative pregnancy announcement, maybe a riddle is the right idea?
40. What is tiny, causing me lots of grief, and will make its appearance in (birth month)?
41. We are pleased to announce that due to hard work and a good attitude we will be promoting our youngest son to big brother.
42. I’m patiently waiting on the day my back hurts, my feet are swollen, and i walk like a duck.
43. I’m giving up things like lunch meat, caffeine, sushi and alcohol for 9 months.
44. I’m small but very important.
I’m free to make but expensive to maintain.
I’m noticeable but you cannot see me.
What am I?
45. What do a chef who’s baking a dinner roll and I have in common?
46. What gets a shower but doesn’t get wet?
47. I can bring a smile to your face, A tear to your eye, Or even a thought to your mind.
But, I can’t be seen. What am I?
Check out more pregnancy announcement riddles here!
Pregnancy Announcement Poems
48. Roses are red, violets are blue
on (your due date)
our little miracle is due.
49. We’ve waited for a while, to share our lovely news,
looks like we’ll be shopping for some tiny, little shoes.
50. Two tiny hands, two tiny feet
a baby girl/boy we can’t wait to meet.
51. First comes love.
Then comes marriage.
In (month) we will be pushing a baby carriage.
52. Roses are red
Diapers aren’t fun
But sometime in (month)
We get to see baby #1
53. We wished upon a star
and it came true…
Now we’re expecting baby number two!
Expected arrival date: (Due date).
54. Snow flakes and hot chocolate
And children with toys
I can’t imagine a more special time
To announce our bundle of joy (for a winter pregnancy announcement).
55. I do not have a face to see
or put inside a frame
I do not have soft cheeks to kiss
I don’t yet have a name.
You can’t yet hold my tiny hands
Nor whisper in my ear.
It’s still too soon to sing a song,
Or cuddle me so near.
But all will change come (due date month)
That’s when they say I’m due.
I’m your new grandson or granddaughter.
I can’t wait til I meet you. (perfect to announce pregnancy to grandparents)
All I ask between now and then
Is your patience while I grow.
I promise I’ll be worth the wait.
Because of all the love we’ll know.
So what I have to give you now,
Is a wish to you from me.
I cannot wait to be a part
Of this wonderful family.
56. One is great, two is fun, so why not add another one?
57. Excited as can be to announce baby number 3.
58. Our family wasn’t quite complete until we had two more tiny baby feet.
59. What’s one more? And then there were 4!
60. We thought we were through, and then there was you.
Check out more here: Pregnancy Announcement Poems
Pregnancy Announcement Sayings for Family with Boys Expecting a Girl
Super sweet ideas to announce that your boys will be welcoming a new baby sister!
61. Knights in shining armor always need a princess to protect.
62. Big brother body guards on duty starting on (baby’s due date)!
63. Adding a bit of sugar and spice to our crew!
64. Oh Boy! It’s a Girl!
Pregnancy Announcement Shirts
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