It’s true. I’m not an expert on potty training, and I only have two children. But I’m a real mom, and this is how I potty trained before 2 for both of my kids.
My two children potty trained themselves before age two. I did not push them to do it, I simply followed their lead and encouraged them once they showed me they were ready.
There was no taking my toddler every 10 minutes to sit on the potty (that sounds like torture). There were minimal accidents and no 2-year old power struggles. Everything else is currently a power struggle at age 2 with my youngest child, but potty training wasn’t.
(Shortly after writing this post, my youngest had a MAJOR regression due to being afraid to poop. Withholding poop is apparently very common, because toddlers don’t like the pain that sometimes comes with it. When I read this post and followed Dayna’s suggestion, the problem went away.)
Although I cannot guarantee that my suggestions will work for every child, I do feel that there are definite ways that you can encourage early potty training. Preparing for potty training using these super simple steps will save you and your child a lot of frustration. Just imagine not having to buy any more diapers. I know, sounds amazing, right?
These tips work best when started early on, and will show you how to do potty training under 2.
Can You Potty Train Before 2
Potty training in other countries can differ very much from what we consider the norm, and I find it fascinating!
In Vietnam, mothers pay attention to their baby’s facial expressions and body language when they are soiling their diaper. Then, when they notice their baby is getting ready to pee or poop, they hold them over a potty and whistle. Eventually (starting at around 9 months old), the mothers take their baby to the potty and whistle. Pavlovian response! The article above from CNN states that all children trained with this method are trained before 2.
It’s also helpful to consider this: In 1947, 60% of kids were toilet trained at 18 months. Today, the average toilet training age is roughly 36 months. Our mindset has changed, our children haven’t!
The following tips will help you to be diaper free before your child’s second birthday.
Tips For Potty Training Before 2

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Wondering how to start potty training or how to prepare for potty training? Here we go!
1. Change poopy diapers ASAP
What you want to do is to make your child dislike the feeling of having a dirty diaper. If you clean your child up right away every time, chances are she will start to dislike the feeling, and want a clean diaper. This will help your child become aware of what is happening with her body.
You should do this as soon as possible after your baby is born.
2. Have a child’s potty visible WAY before your child will train
If your child has access to a potty, she will have the chance to explore it, and it will be normal and nothing new.
Or better yet, get this toilet step trainer with ladder.
My second daughter is extremely independent (and thinks she’s 10). She absolutely would not sit on a “baby” potty. I had to lift her onto the toilet (and hold her there so that she wouldn’t fall in). With this seat, she can safely get up on the potty all by herself (and I don’t have to clean out a baby potty!).
You could also check out the My Size Potty. It’s a miniature toilet, complete with flushing sounds and a wipe dispenser.
Potty training a boy? Check out this race car potty seat (what little boy wouldn’t want to sit on this?!) OR you can get him his own personal urinal! (No, I’m not kidding, and it’s SUPER cheap.)
Making using the potty normal from the very beginning will equal easy potty training later!
3. Play and read about using the potty
Kids are fascinated with bodily functions. Encourage your baby or toddler to become interested in using the potty by reading about it.
We have two books about using the potty. Where’s the Poop? is a lift-the-flap book that will have your child laughing and realizing that everyone (even the animals) poops!
P is for Potty! is another lift-the-flap book that any Sesame Street fan will love.
We also have this drink and wet doll from Melissa and Doug. Both of my children are obsessed with it, even after being trained.
4. Let your child watch you (daddy, siblings) use the potty
Okay, so this might be a silly tip because if your house is anything like mine, no one EVER gets a chance to go to the bathroom in private.
Are there children who actually give their parents privacy in the bathroom? If not, just think of it as a potty training aide.
Letting your child see you going to the bathroom makes it normal (and something that cool grown-ups do).
5. Acknowledge when your baby has gone
It’s pretty much impossible to miss the moment that your baby or toddler poops. So LABEL IT. Give it a name so that your baby can start to realize that something just happened.
You also want to smile and keep it positive. You never want your child to be ashamed of going to the bathroom. I know, it’s so tempting to say something like, “EWWW!!! YOU STINK!!!”
You can still say that, but watch your tone. Say it in a high pitched, playful tone, not a disgusted one.
6. Talk about it
My second child went through a period of being disgusted when she would poop. There was nothing that we did to prompt this, she simply did NOT like the sensation.
I simply reminded her that everyone does it. I asked her every single time that she had to go if mommy, daddy, sister, grandma, etc. did it, and I believe it helped her to get over her fear faster.
7. Look for signs of potty training readiness
If you are wondering how early to start potty training, all you need to do is to watch your toddler for their window of opportunity.
A lot of moms that I know have children that use the potty inconsistently, or that did but no longer do. If your child is showing you that she is interested, you need to take advantage!
Both of my children (around 18-20 months old) started pulling at their diaper when they peed.
If your child is starting to become aware of their bodily functions, it could mean that she’s ready. Sometimes, if you wait it out, your child’s willingness to potty train could pass.
If your child pulls at her diaper, even if your child’s diaper is already wet, sit her on the potty so that she starts to relate that sensation with the potty.
8. Try allowing baby to go diaper free
This is the biggest reason that I have had success getting my children to potty train themselves. It’s difficult for a toddler to realize that she has to use the potty while wearing a big, bulky diaper.
Your child will be much more likely to let you know that she needs to go if she is naked. Once your child starts pulling at her diaper or telling you that she peed, start letting her go naked.
And if you’re worried about your child being cold, these baby leg warmers are the best (and so cute).
For my first child, even after she was consistently using the potty, putting underwear on her caused her to have accidents. My second child did great even with a diaper on when we were out and about.
Will your child have accidents? Maybe. Just keep your eye on the prize, mama. Potty trained= a diaper free baby and more money in your pocket!
Considering using some positive reinforcement? Check out these potty training incentives.
I hope these early potty training tips were helpful!
Do you think potty training before 2 is possible with your toddler?

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