As a little girl, I thought I had the best mom in the world! Don’t we all?
My mom would write me little notes everyday that she would sneak somewhere for me to feel her love while I was away at school.
Sometimes they were little love notes in a journal that I kept in my backpack. She would write one for me to read on the bus, and then I would write back to her on the way home.

She would read it that night, respond and then put it back in my backpack for me to find the following day!
Other times, they were lunchbox notes that she would sneak into my lunch bag when she made my lunch. (I’m embarrassed to say that I didn’t make my own lunch until going off to college! Whoops!)
Lunch notes can be a great way to connect with your little one throughout the school year! Most elementary schools are moving towards all day kindergarten so these young kiddos will be away from home for a long time.
I think they could all use some words of encouragement in the middle of the day to know that their mom is thinking about them from afar.
Now, my mom didn’t have these awesome easy printable notes. She had to write her own on a napkin everyday.
But, as mom of my very own kindergartener THIS YEAR I’m excited to share with you some adorable lunch box notes that you can use to connect with your child while they are away at school! And best part is… they are completely free and easy to read using common Kindergarten sight words!
Lunch Box Notes For Kindergarten

Think about it… you are away from your child for an entire school year! That is so many hours everyday and every week.
We miss those sweet little faces and they probably miss us just as much (if not more). All day away from mom is a hard thing! And for a lot of kids it’s a new concept.
So, let’s make this new school year count! We’re going to give you some cute lunch notes that you can use as the perfect way to spruce up your child’s lunch each day.
Little kids are so happy with little things. What better way to put a smile on your child’s face than printable lunchbox notes?!
These free lunchbox notes are going to ensure that your child has a good day and are bound to bring a huge smile to their face when they find this little surprise everyday!
Simply put your name and email in below and viola! You’ll have your very own set of lunchbox notes instantly!
My favorite thing about these notes is that they take such a short amount of preparation and not much effort. Print them out, cut them up, and store them next to your ziplock baggies.

Then when you make your child’s sandwich just pull out one card everyday. Throw it in your child’s lunchbox and you’re good to go!
This is a sweet way to connect with your child when they are so far away from you each day. Make sure to ask them about the note when they come home everyday.
Some of them will be a silly joke and have you both laughing together.
If your child eats school lunch, then have no fear! We can solve that problem in a jiffy. You can still use these notes, but instead of putting it in their lunchbox, you get to be creative.
Leave the note in their backpack in a special spot that you both agree on. Tell them to look for the note right before lunch everyday in the same spot and it will make their day.
These notes are a great way to help kids who are anxious about going to school because they will have something to look forward to— a little piece of mom at school.

A fun thing to do is to have “special days”. Choose one day a week (maybe Fridays) where you have a special note in their lunch.
Instead of one of the printable cards, write them a longer love note or maybe have a joke written down.
After school ask them what the “special note” was from that day. They will love coming home to tell you all about it (even though you’re the one who wrote it). It‘s kind of like an “inside joke” in their little minds!
With the printable, you can even give it your own personal touch by writing a quick note on the back. Or switch it up and use these free printable notes every other day and write paper napkin notes on other days.
You could also use my lunch box notes for non-readers on some days.
These can be sweet sentiments that you can save over the years! Your older child will love looking through them and remembering the joy they felt when they found a note from mom everyday.
Now, the clock is ticking! Get these adorable notes printed and ready to use at the beginning of the school year!
Kindergarten Lunch Box Notes

And let’s face it— all the other kids will be jealous and be wanting a fun surprise in their lunch too!
Happy connecting with your kindergartener!
Encouraging Lunch Box Notes Kids Will Love
Thursday 9th of May 2024
[…] you are looking for more notes, look no further than these adorable kindergarten lunch box notes. […]
Monday 9th of October 2023
These notes are precious. My daughter loved getting the bananas for you note in her lunchbox!
Brenda Kosciuk
Tuesday 10th of October 2023
Yay! That's such a fun one!
24 Lunch Box Notes For Non-Readers
Sunday 13th of August 2023
[…] your child is starting to read, you can incorporate my lunch box notes for kindergarteners […]