Children typically learn to recognize their letters between the ages of 2 and 4. It’s different for every child though, so be patient and remember that learning their letters isn’t a race!
Sometimes motherhood can feel like such a competition. But our kids are all so different and that’s a good thing! Learn to appreciate what they love about learning and don’t force them to learn something if they don’t seem ready.
My therapist once told me to “stop expecting and start watching” with my kids. I have held on to that phrase and often repeat it to myself when I am wanting to control my kids and wish they were doing things according to my expectations.
If your tot IS showing signs of being ready to learn letters (flipping through pages of a book alone, pretending to read, pretending to write letters when they are coloring, etc) then you have come to the right place! We’ve got a great abc scavenger hunt in store for you!
The alphabet scavenger hunt we will focus on today is with letter A. But there are different ways to manipulate the same idea for different letters of the alphabet too!
If you’re on a letter A kick, maybe you want to try a whole unit featuring the letter A. Head over to letter A activities for some creative ways to learn more about letter A.
Or, in need of some rainy day fun? Look at these adorable letter crafts that you can whip up in a jiffy with your kiddos!
Letter recognition is so important for kids and can be so much fun if you let it! Start with uppercase letters and then overtime you’ll get to those pesky lowercase ones. Check out this post on recognizing letters for more ideas to do with your preschool child.
If you want more ideas on how to teach the alphabet and a great list of ideas, look at our post on how to teach a 3 year old. This will include ideas like: singing the ABCs while pointing to them, doing a letter craft, etc.
Letters can be so fun to work with! One of my favorite learning activities with my kids is using dry erase markers and a white board. Write some letters in random order all over the board and have fun calling out letters that they have to find and then erase.
Letter A Scavenger Hunt

Since letter A is the first letter of the alphabet, we recommend starting with this one first when teaching letter recognition.
Most of these items you will have around your house… an apple, toy airplane, toy ambulance, etc. However, for some of them you might have to go on a nature walk to find (acorn, ant). This is great news because kids learn better when their brain is stimulated in different learning environments. So being outside is a great thing for these young children!
If you’re looking specifically for a nature scavenger hunt, click here. There are some fun ideas for you and your kiddos on this post!
A few scavenger hunt ideas with this:

1. Try having your child collect as many items as they can from their list that they can glue on to a paper plate
2. Have them color all of the items on their paper after finding them
3. Try a letter treasure hunt. Use the scavenger hunt to go on a treasure hunt (at the last item have a special “prize” or treat waiting for them)
4. Use a magnifying glass and pretend to be a secret detective
5. If you are working on letter names and sounds, have your child say it every time they find a new item
6. Print out a second scavenger hunt and cut out all of the items. Hide them around a dark room (a bathroom or bedroom with blinds closed). Then hand your child a flashlight and have a blast with your toddler running around in the dark trying to find everything on their list!
This specific alphabet scavenger hunt today is designed for younger children, but if you want to do a more advanced version for your child there are ways to manipulate it. Here are some ideas:
1. cover the picture and have them read the word to find the item
2. have them come up with the objects they have to find that start with “A”
3. Let them cut out each item on their own and then tape it to the item in the house when they find it
4. Find the items in alphabetical order
Accessing Your Free Printable
The best part about this letter scavenger hunt is that it’s free for your personal use! Aren’t free printables just the best?!
You can also download and print out Letter B Scavenger Hunt at the same time.
Click to access your free letter A scavenger hunt!
We hope you enjoy your free alphabet scavenger hunt!
Giangi Townsend
Monday 9th of October 2023
This is a brilliant idea and I brought this over to my friend's house while babysitting this past weekend. The kids loved it! We did the flashlight-in-the-dark game and I never heard so much belly laughing in my life. Pure happiness. Thank you
Brenda Kosciuk
Tuesday 10th of October 2023
That is honestly one of our favorite family activities. It works so well for all ages!
13 Simple Letter A Activities For Preschoolers
Tuesday 3rd of October 2023
[…] out this super fun letter A scavenger hunt that you can use to reinforce the sound that letter A […]