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Elf On The Shelf Arrival Printable Shipping Label

There is nothing more exciting than your elf’s arrival from the North Pole!  It’s the official kick off of the Christmas season and everyone is feeling a little Christmas magic in the air! 

As a parent, I am always thinking of fun ideas for our Elf on the Shelf and the biggest one I think about is how our Elf should arrive. I love using a welcome letter and having our little Elf bring a special gift the first time he comes each year, but I am always looking for new ways for our Elf to arrive and I am often just placing him somewhere random the morning of his arrival. 

Printable label that says "Santa Mail"

This year, I have been trying to think of a super fun way for our scout elf to arrive and I love the idea of having him shipped in a box straight from Santa’s workshop with a North Pole shipping label.  

Stickers to go with the Santa mail label

The idea of getting mail from the North Pole will be magical and so much fun for my little guy!  What I love about this free printable North Pole mailing label is that it’s super easy to use and it can be used every year. 

I think it would be so much fun to do it every year and the best part is that I won’t be frantically thinking of something creative the night before our Elf is supposed to arrive! 

Printable Shipping Label For Elf On The Shelf’s Arrival

Elf on the Shelf bursting out of a box holding a candy cane

This free North Pole shipping label is so cute and such a great way for your Elf to arrive!  This free printable Elf on the Shelf shipping label is super easy to use and requires things you most likely already have around your home.  

You will need paper to print on, scissors, glue and your Elf on the Shelf inside a wrapped box.  After you have printed your free printable shipping label you will attach it to your box and decorate the rest of the box with the adorable little stamps.  

Printable label and stickers cut out

Make sure to add your own child’s name to the recipe part of the shipping label and check the delivery method you want to use, I personally love the “magic” one!  The most important part to check is your child’s status on Santa’s nice list- there is a box for “naughty” or “nice!  

This is a great way to get that good behavior going for the Christmas season!  I love how real the label looks and that each year the package will look a little different based on how you decorate it.  

It’s such a fun Christmas tradition and I can’t wait to see my son’s face when he finds this package on the doorstep on December 1st!  

Label filled out with child's name, address, etc.

Ideas For Using This Resource

There are so many fun Elf on the Shelf arrival ideas and this North Pole mailing label is by far my favorite! I love how simple and cute it is and how much magic it brings to the start of the Christmas season!  Looking for some fun ideas on how to use these delivery labels? 

  • Have your Elf holding an Elf on the Shelf arrival letter– I love that it gives your child a refresher on your scout elf and encourages good behavior! 
  • Have your package arrive on the front porch just like normal packages so that your child thinks it really was delivered by the post office.
  • Start a fun Christmas tradition on the day your Elf arrives like watching a special movie, baking cookies, or doing a fun Elf on the Shelf candy cane hunt.
  • Include a small gift in the package with your Elf- it can be something small, a sweet treat, a toy or even advent calendars. My son always treasures anything his Elf brings him and it usually is carried with him for the remainder of the Christmas season! 
Elf bringing Santa mail box
  • Get older kids involved in decorating the package!  My nephew is in middle school this year and Christmas magic looks a little different for him so my sister in law has helped with this transition by getting him involved with keeping up the magic for his younger sister and I think this is such a great idea!
  • Wrap your package in something fun!  I love all the wrapping paper that is out for the holiday season and it would be super fun to pick out a special wrapping paper to use every year! 
  • Add glitter to your package! Glitter makes everything more fun and dare I say more magical?

Accessing Your Printable

Elf on the Shelf pushing box into the house

Your free printable Elf on the Shelf shipping label is super easy to get, just subscribe in the box below with your email address and your free download with open instantly! 

The best part about subscribing is that you get weekly emails with free printables and activities just like this one straight to your inbox!  

When the Holiday season is over, our Elf on the shelf return letter is a great way for your little Elf to say goodbye!  Looking for more fun ideas for this holiday season?  Check out our Elf on the Shelf printablescountdown to Christmas craft or these funny lunchbox Christmas Jokes!  

I hope your little one enjoys their special delivery from the North Pole and that your Christmas is magical and fun! I would love to hear all about your special delivery in the comments below!


Sunday 10th of December 2023

super cute. I don't' have kids or an elf on the shelf I have a friend with kids I plan on using this for her gifts to make it "northpole" official. thanks for posting

Brenda Kosciuk

Friday 15th of December 2023

That's amazing!


Tuesday 5th of December 2023


Jazmin Tesfazghi

Saturday 2nd of December 2023

Thank you for this great idea! So cute!

Brenda Kosciuk

Saturday 2nd of December 2023

You're so welcome!


Saturday 25th of November 2023

I love this idea !! Soo cute 🥰 . I love having easy already complete ideas

Brenda Kosciuk

Saturday 25th of November 2023


Tori B.

Saturday 25th of November 2023

I love this idea! It makes it even more fun and exciting for the kids to get their elf from Santa :)