It can be quite the challenge to constantly remind your kids about the daily tasks they have to do.
In our adult minds, we do not even give these items a second thought because they are just part of our daily schedule.
Kids, however, are a completely different story. Most children will have a much easier time remembering what to do if they have visual reminders.
A chore chart is a great way to remind your kids of what they need to do. These charts also help kids learn to be self sufficient.
As with any new routine, it is always helpful to run through the tasks with your kids on the first day (and maybe a few subsequent days!).
This is the best way to ensure that they know what to do and how to complete the items on their list of daily chores.
Having these daily routine checklists will also instill a good day time routine for your young kids!
When they are older kids, they will understand the value of a good routine and have their own school routine.
For a more visual schedule, try these routine charts for toddlers if you need a non-word version for your younger kids who may be unable to read.
Editable Routine Charts For Kids

Morning Routine
A morning routine chart is a great way to help start the day off right!
Instead of the usual hectic morning, you get a little help from an amazing kids’ daily checklist.
When we help create these daily routines for our kids and give them a sense of accomplishment, our typical morning starts to look so much better!
Your kids will feel more comforted by the predictability of their morning, which will lead to less tantrums and morning drama.
Below you will find what is included on the editable morning checklist to get those good routines started.
1. Make your bed
2. Get dressed
3.Eat breakfast
4.Brush your teeth
5.Brush your hair
6.Get your backpack ready
Using this routine as a template, you can always add or change out anything to help fit your family’s particular schedule.
Getting the morning started off right can help the rest of the day run smoothly, which is good news for everyone!
Evening Routine

Bedtime can often disintegrate into some serious power struggles. In the end, everyone is just upset and frustrated and that is not the best way to end the day.
A bedtime checklist may be your very best option to instill some good habits and end the madness of getting ready to sleep.
Most of us (and our children) are fairly tired by bed time, so having a list of tasks will help things run more smoothly.
In addition to that, kids can simply refer to their routine list and not task their memory any more than they need to.
It is a nice way to start winding down in order to fall asleep!
This wonderful to-do list (shown below) will help teach some life skills and help incorporate some end of day self-care tasks as well!
1.Clear the table
2.Clean up your toys/room
3.Take a shower/bath
4.Put on your pajamas
5.Brush your teeth
6.Read a book
Anything that helps our family settle in to bed time in a more calm and orderly way is great in my book!
The calmer everyone is, the better sleep everyone will have. This can lead to a well rested and happy family in the morning!
Ideas For Editing
Take a look at the daily activities you have your children do in a typical day and make a list of these items.
If you have little kids, you may want to start with little charts containing simple basic tasks to get them started.
Remember, you know where to meet your child in their abilities and the expectations you have for them.
The next step is to fill in the different activities in your daily routine chart template.
Once you are ready with your printable routine charts, it is time to use some creativity to find what will work the best for your kids.
I find that placing the chart in a clear pocket protector and having my son use dry erase markers to check off each task as he completes it works well.
Doing this can also foster a sense of accomplishment for your kids when they complete a task.
Some children prefer to use an activity chart that can be used more like a flip chart.
Simply cut out a square for each activity and attach all of the chores by placing a little binder ring through a hole punched hole at the top of each square.
Using this will help them see how much they have accomplished versus what they still need to do.
There are definitely some personalities that would benefit from a system of moving a marker next to each item, designating it to be done.
For more durability, you may attach some Velcro to each item on the list and to the back of your “done” marker.
If you have a child who is not buying into this new routine chart, try to get them involved in how to use and display it in a way that will work for them.
There is something to be said when your kids feel like they are a part of the project that motivates them to participate.
You never know some of the very clever ideas that they come up with! Equally important is that their ideas will work for them and help them actually make productive use of the routine!
Any of these visual charts can also help with time management, which seems to be a challenge for most of us in our daily morning and evening schedules.
Downloading Your Free Printable
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The benefits of setting your little ones up with a good morning and evening routing that they can do themselves are astronomical.
Getting your kids started on helpful morning and evening routines means you will clear some much-needed brain space for yourself.
There is nothing wrong with giving yourself a little bit more breathing room in your day, am I right?
It is also a great way to help your kids be more self sufficient and learn how to start taking care of themselves as much as possible.
Charts give them a sense of accomplishment and make them want to do more things on their own.
And that is really one of our jobs in the end is to teach them how to take care of themselves and be able to run their own lives.
Starting with these routines is a good way to get into those types of lessons without anyone (you or your children!) feeling too overwhelmed!
In the end, you may both end up with more time to have some fun together and that, in and of itself, is such a worthy payoff!
Set these routines into place and see how much more enjoyment you find in your daily morning and evening routines.
And, as always, you’ve got this!