Do you want to know the best thing about kindness?
It can be so simple! And for kids, it comes so naturally!
We can play to their natural intuitive little hearts when we are teaching them how to be kind and use activities that they already love to do random acts of kindness.
Some kids are just born being kind kids, while others we have to teach and coach to get there.
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Both are ok and in either situation, we have some ideas for your kids to work on being kind!
If you haven’t already, head over to your local library to check out the book “Daniel Chooses To Be Kind“.
This book will help kids understand that the most important job they can do is to be kind to people around them.
You could even have them pretend to be a “kindness king” or “kindness queen” for the day as they try to accomplish as many tasks on this list as possible.
A fun family tradition could be to make a certain month of the year “kindness month”. We generally do this in December.
Leading up to Christmas, we all do kind things to serve people and each time we do, we get to put a piece of straw in a little wooden manger.
On Christmas Eve we get to place baby Jesus in the Manger and see how we created a soft bed for him to lay on because of all of our kindness.
You could also try creating a kindness family tradition in February. Maybe every time someone does something nice, you get to add a heart to the heart tree!
The ideas are endless for creating opportunities for kids to learn to be kind! So let’s get to the fun stuff! Here are some great acts of kindness ideas for you and your kiddos!
Acts Of Kindness For Kids

1. Compliment Someone
What better way to start! Simply find someone at the grocery store and tell them you like their hair or outfit.
2. Smile At Everyone You See
One of the best ways to serve someone is to smile! Go somewhere public with a lot of people (maybe a mall or park) and as you walk, help your child to smile at everyone you see. You’ll be surprised how many people smile back.
3. Hold Open A Door For Someone
Little kids holding open doors is just the sweetest! Help your kids learn to always hold the door open if there is someone coming in behind you.
4. Take Over A Chore From A Parent
This one can go a long way! Just imagine with me for a minute… you come out of putting the baby down for a nap, and while you were in there your kids cleaned the whole playroom for you! I think I might fall over with joy!
5. Ask Someone Who’s Playing Alone To Play With You
It’s the little things that make a big difference, right? This one melts my heart when I see my 5-year-old go up to someone on the playground who is alone and ask them if they want to play!
6. Make A Handmade Card For A Friend
This is such a simple act of kindness but leaves people feeling so loved and cared for. First, help your child create a card. Get out the glitter and glue and let them have at it. Then, let them write a kind note inside.
A homemade birthday card works great for birthday gifts (especially on a budget).
7. Tell A Teacher How Much You Appreciate Them
Teachers do not get as much praise (or pay) as they should! They need to be thanked for all of their hard work!
8. Randomly Hand Out Post It Notes With Uplifting Messages
If your child doesn’t know how to write words yet, have them do some simple smiley faces! You could even stick them on or inside lockers or cubbies at school.
9. Give A Friend A Hug
Almost everyone we walk by in a day is going through something challenging at any given moment. We could all use a hug.
Give your friend a hug and tell them you love them and are thinking about them.
10. Send A Thank You Card To Someone You Appreciate
A sweet note in the mail from someone who appreciates you is so encouraging! Try it out and you’ll just brighten someone’s day.
11. Do A Chore Without Being Asked
In our house, we call this “pitching in” and being a “noticer”. It’s such a great skill to have in life and one that I think younger children pick up so quickly if we teach them!
12. Pick A Flower Bouquet For Someone
Who doesn’t love to have some fresh flowers from someone who thought of them! An elderly neighbor might be a great recipient for these too!
13. Allow Your Sibling To Have First Pick Of Something
Oh wow! This one would have been tricky for me as a child. When you’re the oldest, you should get to choose (especially where you sit in the car, right?).
Think of the look on mom’s face when an older sibling says “it’s ok, you can choose today”. Let me tell you, that look would be… Priceless!
14. Go On A Walk And Clean Up Roadside Litter
This is one of those good deeds that people have been doing for years! There is always litter to be cleaned up especially if you head into downtown wherever you live.
15. Say Hello To Someone You’ve Never Talked To Before
An elderly person might especially enjoy this one. Or try saying hi to someone new at school. It can be scary, but chances are, they are lonely and hoping to have a friend.
16. Leave A Message In Sidewalk Chalk At The Bottom Of Your Driveway
Encouraging messages for people out on walks is always so fun to read! When I’m out on a run and I see them, it makes me want to run even faster!
17. Draw A Picture For Someone
Draw pictures of flowers, butterflies, balloons, anything really! Then give it to someone you care about (or maybe try someone you don’t know). It might just make their day!
18. Give Out Stickers To Children At A Store
Stickers. Little kids love stickers! Give them out in the grocery store to the crying kiddos and not only will you be serving the kids, but the moms too!
19. Hide Little Notes Around The House For Your Family
This is a simple gesture that can go a long way. Maybe try sending them on a scavenger hunt to find the happy notes you left for them.
20. Set Up A Scavenger Hunt For Your Sibling
If you have a younger sibling, this one is perfect! Send them on a fun hunt around the house and at the end, have kind messages written on hearts all over the wall!
21. Pick A Charity To Donate To
This is an easy way to show kindness to your community. You could donate to a nonprofit organization or find a local food bank!
I can almost guarantee that your local children’s hospital would love a donation to help those sick kiddos!
22. Help Someone Who’s Struggling
Everybody goes through hard times. Find someone who has a broken leg or arm in your neighborhood and offer to walk their dog.
Pick up groceries for someone who is sick and drop them off on their doorstep. The options are endless.
23. Pick Up Garbage At School That’s Not Yours
Small acts of kindness like this make the world a better place to be!
24. Allow Your Sibling To Pick What Activity To Do With You
Instead of you dictating what game you will be playing, let them take a turn. Young children especially will love this autonomy to direct their older sibling.
25. Donate Toys Or Books
I don’t know about you, but toys and books tend to pile up at our house. We try to do a yearly donation of old books and toys to facilitate giving (and declutter our house).
26. Tell Someone You Love Them
What a simple way to serve! The words “I love you” hold a lot of power and meaning behind them.
27. Make Someone Else’s Bed
If you already made your own, you’re on a roll! Why not spend a few extra minutes and make someone else’s!
28. Call Or FaceTime A Loved One
Think of an elderly relative for this one. They probably don’t have a lot of interaction in a single day and would love to hear from you.
29. Decorate Your Sibling’s Room For No Reason
How fun is this one? Your sibling will love walking in after school to balloons and streamers all over the place… just for fun!
30. Volunteer At A Local Shelter
Find a local animal shelter near you and spend the afternoon helping care for the animals in need.
31. Leave A Note For A Stranger To Find
What a fun idea! You could leave it on a restaurant table, a park bench or in the mailbox. This is bound to make a new friend feel happy.
32. Let Someone Go In Front Of You In Line
Especially if you can tell that the people behind you are in a rush, let them go ahead of you!
33. Be Kind To Someone Who Was Unkind To You
This one can be tricky! But try to turn the other cheek and do something nice for them. My mom used to always say “Kill ’em with kindness”.
34. Read A Book To A Sibling Or Neighbor
Choose your favorite book and ask if you can read it to them. Or better yet, choose THEIR favorite book to read to them!
35. Let A Sibling Or Friend Go First When Playing A Game
I know it’s so fun to go first! So try letting someone else have a turn this time.
36. Talk With Someone Who Is Sad
Feelings of sadness can come for all sorts of reasons. When we talk about out sad feelings, it helps us to better process them.
You can be that help and support for someone in need.
37. Offer To Walk A Neighbor’s Dog
Dogs need to be walked on a daily basis. That’s a lot of work! Try offering to do the task for a neighbor or friend.
38. Teach A Friend Something New
We all have gifts and talents. See if your friend wants to learn one of yours!
39. Tell A Loved One How Important They Are To You
This life is so fragile. Make sure you are telling people how important they are to you ALL THE TIME!
40. Bury Treasure At A Local Playground Sand Box
What fun would it be to be playing in a sandbox and find REAL treasure! (just make sure it isn’t chocolate orrrr it might get a little messy)
41. Make A Get Well Card For Someone
Think of someone sick or otherwise in pain and write them a nice note to let them know you are thinking of them.
42. Put A Note In Your Sibling’s Lunch Box
Shhhhh! Make it a surprise! Be a ninja and sneak it in there!
43. Tell Your Friends Jokes To Make Them Laugh
Everyone needs a good laugh! Did you know… the more you laugh in a day, the better you will sleep? Pretty cool!
44. Sharpen Pencils
We all use pencils all the time! You can do it at home or for your teacher.
45. Clean Out The Back Of The Car
Sometimes the back of our car is like a black hole! I would LOVE if someone served me this way.
46. Hide Painted Rocks At A Playground
You can call them your “kindness rocks” for new friends to find!
47. Do Something With Your Sibling That They Love
It’s fun to do the things that you love with your siblings, but let me tell you a secret… it’s even more fun to do what THEY love. You’ll feel even happier afterwards!
48. Declare The Day A “No Complaining” Day
Ooooo this could be tricky with young children! But they can do it! Just keep reminding them in a positive way “remember kind words!”
49. Ask A Friend About Their Day
We’re real good at talking all about ourselves. Let’s try asking someone else about their day FIRST for a change.
50. Share An Interest In A Family Member’s Hobby
Listening to someone else share something that is important to them can go a long way! You will be better connected and closer friends for doing so.
Acts Of Kindness Bingo

Here is a fun kindness challenge! This is a great game to play with your kids. Each square has a random act of kindness on it.
The first person to get “Bingo” wins! Click here to get your free printable!
Remember, being kind is FUN! Kids love it and you’ll create so many bonding memories together as you complete these kindness challenges! Enjoy!
40 Free Christmas Activities For Families (2024)
Wednesday 7th of August 2024
[…] We love involving our kids in acts of kindness. […]