Teaching my son how to read was a challenge to say the least!
He did not understand why he needed to learn to read since I read to him.
If I have learned anything from this and many other experiences with him over the years it is this: kids are on their own schedule and will learn and do things when they are ready.
What I mean by that is that each child is their own person and may learn things at their pace, not at the pace set forth by anyone else.
However, once they are ready for the new thing they are ready to learn, there is no stopping them!
This proved to be especially true for learning how to read.
Now that he has several years of reading in his learning cap, we really focus on finding books for him to read that help challenge him and meet him where he is at in his development.
At this point we are looking at chapter books and stories that are a bit more complex.
Since we want to continue to nurture a love of reading, we want to find stories that will keep his attention.
It is also a bonus if the stories happen to teach some life lessons as well.
Below is a list of some of the books my 8 year old could not put down and has read at least once if not multiple times!

1. The Stick Dog Series
The Stick Dog Series is about a funny group of stray dogs and their leader named Stick Dog who are on a constant search for food.
Their antics and silly plans to get their paws on the coveted food is more than enough to keep your child (and you) laughing and on the edge of your seat to find out what happens next!
My son particularly enjoyed the various dog characters that of course all have very differing personalities and points of view.
While the majority of the stories are filled with humor, there is also a bit of room for us to see how these dogs are a family in their own right and take care of each other.
2. The Stick Cat Series
From the same author of the Stick Dog series comes The Stick Cat Series, a group of stories about Stick Cat and his friend Edith who live next door to each other in an apartment building in the city. Through a series of strange events, these two end up on crazy adventures where they help save lives and even thwart a burglary.
Paired with Stick Cat’s very careful outlook on things and Edith’s sassy personality, the two main characters show that you can make a big difference, no matter how small you are.
3. The Origami Yoda Series
In The Origami Yoda series, Dwight, a unique sixth grader, starts wearing a Yoda shaped origami puppet on his finger and claims that it can predict the future. His classmates keep a casefile of their interactions with him to determine if his predictions are accurate.
FIlled with hilarious stories and points of view that are sure to give parents a feeling of nostalgia for their younger years, this book series is filled with lessons on standing up for others and staying loyal to your beliefs.
Kids will also enjoy the origami folding tutorials at the end of each book.
4. Holes
Holes is a story about a young boy named Stanley Yelnats who is sent to a kid’s correctional boot camp after being falsely accused of theft.
Through the course of the book, we learn about the history of the area and the Yelnats family and how much the two have in common.
While the story has many moments of humor and seriousness, the main messages of the importance of friendship and loyalty are never lost in the shuffle.
5. The Kingdom of Wrenly Series
Lucas, the prince of the Wrenly, loves adventure and exploring.
Through the Kingdom Of Wrenly series, he and his best friend Clara explore the various regions of the kingdom.
Along the way, they encounter adventure and mild peril, and make a lot of new friends. Filled with magical creatures, such as fairies, dragons, witches, giants, mermaids and sea serpents, this series is a great introduction to fantasy stories.
6. The Magic Tree House Series
I’m sure you’ve heard of The Magic Tree House series! Siblings Jack and Annie are taken on magical adventures after discovering a tree house that has the power to take them to various times and places that they find in books. Their adventures vary from visiting with dinosaurs to meeting George Washington.
Each story, while definitely fictional, is based on some factual information in history.
In addition to going on amazing trips to places all over the world and within history, kids are also learning about real historical events.
7. The Harry Potter Series
No matter what you do, your child has probably heard of Harry Potter in one way or another by now.
Whether it is through the books, movies, games, halloween costumes or simply from their friends, they are sure to know at least a little bit about the main character and his story.
Join Harry Potter on a journey through which he learns that he is the son of a famous witch and wizard.
He goes on to attend the Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
Along the way he makes some very good friends who join him on the adventures through this magical world.
These books have instilled a joy of reading and stories in my child and I hope they help you with book searches for you kids as well!
As with anything, you know your child and what they may like best, so please do your due diligence with checking out these stories beforehand.
The whole point is to find stories that spark imagination and nurture a love of reading that is sure to grow as they continue on toward the future.
I find that while I know that my child is able to read, we still enjoy it when we get cuddled in and his dad or I read to him.
They grow up so fast and it is nice to still be able to enjoy these types of activities together while we can!
And, as always, you’ve got this!